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Where in the World is Arizona?

Natural and Human Features

All places have certain features. Places can have different features or have features that are the same. Some of these are natural features. Soil, water, climate and animals are some natural features.

Places also have human features like cities, farms, homes, shopping malls, bridges and roads. These are things that people have made.

What are Regions?

    The world we live in is very big. One way we can learn about our world is to think of it in smaller parts. We call these parts regions. A region is made up of places that have something in common. Most regions have the same natural and human features. There are regions were farmers grow cotton. There are regions where people work in tall office buildings. In some regions people may speak a different language. A region can be big or small. If you live in Yuma, you live in the desert region.

The United States can be split into many types of regions. Look at the map below. What are the five main regions? 


Click on the Map above to learn about the Five regions.

Let's Go to Work!

Now that you have learned where in the world Arizona is, it is time to begin your first assignment. Click on the Journal Icon at the top of the page and complete the activities for this section. When you are done you can continue exploring Arizona.

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