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Table of Contents

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  1. Where in the World is Arizona?

    1. Where is Arizona?

    2. What is longitude or latitude?

    3. What are Hemispheres?

    4. What is Climate?

    5. What is Arizona's climate like?

    6. Reading a map.

  2. Natural and Human Features

    1. What are Regions?

      1. The West

      2. The Southwest

      3. The Midwest

      4. The Southeast

      5. The Northeast

  3. Beautiful Arizona

    1. What is Arizona's land like?

    2. What types of plants are in Arizona?

    3. What kinds of animals are in Arizona?

  4. Who were the First People of Arizona?

    1. Who were the Prehistoric People?

    2. Who were the Anasazi?

    3. Who were the Mogollon?

    4. Who were the Hohokam?

    5. Who were the Sinagua?

  5. Who are the Native Americans in Arizona?

    1. What are the four major cultural groups?

    2. Who are the Athapascans?

    3. Who are the Pueblo Indians?

    4. Who are the Desert Farming People?

    5. Who are the Plateau Tribes?

  6. Who were the Spanish Explorers and Missionaries

    1. Who discovered the New World?

    2. Searching for Cities of Gold.

    3. Who were the first missionaries?

    4. What happened after Father Kino?

  7. What was Arizona like as a part of Mexico?

    1. What was life like in Mexican Arizona?

    2. Who were the mountain men?

    3. Why was there a push west?

  8. What was life like in the Territorial Days?

    1. What was life like in the early mining days?

    2. Why did Arizona become a territory?

    3. What was life like for the first settlers?

    4. What happened during the Indian-White conflict?

  9. Arizona Reaches Out

    1. Why did Arizona become a state?

    2. What was early Transportation like?

    3. What was early communication like?

  10. What is Arizona like Today?

    1. What are Arizona's Cities like?

    2. How do people earn a living?

    3. How does Arizona's Government operate?

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