Paper #6

  Our last and final paper, thank god. Paper #6 was to be another research paper about the same topic but this one had to be extended to eight to ten pages. We were to incorporate the same arguments as in Paper #5 and extend it. However, in this paper we were to also include a section about the opposing side of our claims. For example, my claim is that the Navajo Nation should legalize alcohol, but for this paper I have to include why the Navajo Nation should keep it's prohibition. Now, to be completely honest here I became tired of my topic and tired of research papers. I mean come on, we had the same topic for four papers now. Can we say redundant? Anyways, let's just say that I could have done better. But I will say that I meet the requirements for this paper...hopefully.
  Not much was learned from this Paper #6 with regards to writing skills. I did learn a lot about the pros and cons of my topic.  I did practice my research paper skills. And I at least turn in something.
  Here are a few excerpts form my Paper #6:
    "...many [Navajo's] believe what I have previously stated before, that if the nation were to legalize alcohol on the Navajo Nation then it would seem that the people would have given up their pride and gave into the general stereotype that has been given to the Navajo people. That general stereotype that has been placed on the Navajo’s is that the Navajo’s are nothing more than a breed of lazy, uneducated, uncivilized drunks. However, both arguments are slippery-slope fallacy because jumping to the conclusion that the possibility of legalization of alcohol on the Navajo Nation having that extreme of an effect is not absolute. "
    "Moreover, if the Navajo Nation were to legalize alcohol then the nation can place a heavy tax on the alcohol products and then use that money to fund organizations around the nation to help out the Navajo people. For example, Gallup, New Mexico was once known as “Drunk City USA”, because of the overly large number of intoxicated people within one city (Manolescu). However, that name is becoming obsolete because of an institution called Na’nizhoozhi Center Inc., started ten years ago the institution has devoted itself to helping alcoholic get over their addiction (Manolescu)."



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