J. Judson Wynne
Consulting and Lecturing

Uploading data from temperature loggers, western NM - Earth-Mars Cave Detection ProgramConsulting

I have expertise in invertebrate and vertebrate inventory and monitoring of caves, cave survey, microclimatic monitoring of caves, general cave inventory,  and remote sensing of caves (refer to my CV for more information).  Please contact me if you have a project that I may be of service.










Guest Lecturing
Demiguel Middle School, November 2006
Over the past five years, I  have given presentations on bat and cave conservation, and astrobiology to student groups (ranging from 2nd to 12th grade), and at universities as well as other public forums.  One of my goals is to educate the general public regarding the importance of caves.  If you are interested in scheduling a talk, please email me.





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