Spider Smorgasbord

Do you know what I like to eat? Read this page to find out!



Spiders don’t chew their food. When they get to the bug in their web, they bite it and inject venom. The venom either paralyzes or kills the bug. Then the venom turns the bug’s insides into liquid. While the venom is working, the spider wraps the bug in silk. She may drink the liquid then, or tie the little silk bundle to her web so she can snack later. Most spiders have venom. Lucky for us, only two main spiders have venom dangerous to people: the Black Widow and Brown Recluse. If you are bitten by a spider, always tell a grown-up as soon as possible. 

Most spiders eat insects like flies, crickets, bees, frogs and even other spiders.

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To the Adventures of Itsy the Spider

To Can't Live Without Me