Can't Live Without Me! |
Many people are afraid of bees. Bees can sting and hurt you.
Bees can sting, but they are also very helpful to man. Bees are pollinators. That means that they take the pollen from one plant to another which helps flowers and trees grow.
Bees also make Honey!
Honey bees have to go through a long process to make honey. The house bee and the field bee are involved in the process. First the field bee goes out and collects nectar, which it stores in an internal honey sac. They bring it back to the hive and transfer it to the house bee tongue to tongue. Then the house bee spreads a drop of nectar on the roof of a cell in a comb. During the next couple of days other house bees fan their wings over the nectar so that the moisture evaporates (nectar is 80% water and honey is 19% water). Finally, more house bees cover every cell filled with modified nectar with a thin layer of wax
The buzz on honey...