In general, #68kMLA on both Freenode and Undernet are decent and self-governing themselves, but with more members, there's a small need for a few guidelines to keep everything running in a smooth, coherent manner.
- No bots, of any kind, ever. (Freenode)
- No flooding the channel continuously with the same message. On the same token, we don't need to hear the /sysinfo command. If somebody asks for your specs, you can send the /sysinfo command in a private message, or you can just type out the basic information about your system. We don't need to know your uptime, build number and exact processor model every time.
- We'd appreciate if everybody used common courtesy, and avoided insulting other channel members.
- In general, the use of fairly decent English is appreciated when appropriate, which is almost always.
- Specifically, we really like proper use of apostrophes.
- Apostrophes should be used to indicate posessives.
- Apostrophes should not be used to indicate plural nouns.
- An apostrophe should only be used in "it's" to contract "it" and "is" together.
- Specifically, we really like proper use of apostrophes.
- #68kMLA should be family friendly. Try to ask yourselves these two questions when writing something in the channel: "Would I feel bad about saying this to a six year old girl?" and "Would I want this to be the first word my own child said?"
- Here's some wisdom about the terms Dork, Geek and Nerd.